Apricale is easily reached by following the provincial Val Nervia for 11km from the coast, as far as Isolabona. Then turn right to follow (for another 2 km) the road that winds alongside the river Mandancio, which sits in the valley floor. You can park your car in the car park at the foot of the village, immediately after the shops and café, near the junction, which leads respectively to Perinaldo and Baiardo. At the beginning of this junction, a well-marked left-hand fork (signposted to the cemetery) leads to the top car park, in the upper part of the village.
The ValNerviaprovincial roadstartsat the Strada Statale Aurelia (SS1) and continues along the Nervia valley. You can join it in the following ways:
Coming fromVentimiglia: immediately after passing theRoman Theatre on your left and crossing the railway bridge, will have to turnleft at the roundabout.
Comingfrom BordigheraandVallecrosia: After crossing the bridge over the Nervia River, you mustturn right at thesame roundabout mentioned before.
From the centre ofVentimiglia to the Nervia river is around2 km, and 5 kmfrom Bordighera. If you are arriving on the Autostrada deiFiori (A10)exitat Bordighera (if coming fromGenova), or at Ventimiglia (for arrivalsfrom France).In both casesyou have tothen takethe Aurelia (SS1). The same is truefor those who havearrivedon the SS20 from Colle di Tenda (from Cuneo).